Sammy Margo Physiotherapy North West London Hampstead and Highgate
020 7435 4910

Chronic and Acute Spinal Conditions
Neck Pain
Whilst there are specific injuries, such as whiplash, where there is a direct trauma to the neck the majority of neck pain tends to be related to lifestyle factors. It is vital that we undertake a comprehensive assessment to ensure we have an account of each aspect of the clinical presentation. Your therapist will ensure that they provide you with all of their findings and will discuss all treatment options with you. There are a number of treatment approaches that can be used in the management of neck pain, Evidence favours a graded exercise program, with a particular emphasis of postural alignment. However, we are happy to work with you on alternative treatment routines where appropriate.
Mid-Back Pain
Pain in the thoracic spine and/or rib areas can be very difficult to assess and treat effectively. Pain is typically generated in a few key areas such as the cervico-thoracic junction and at the thoroco-lumber junction where the rib cage starts and ends. The reason for this is that the rib cage adds a significant amount of rigidity to the spine in these areas, which in turn can cause a lot of sheering forces as you move from stiff to mobile segments of the spine. We will undertake a comprehensive assessment to ensure we have an account of each aspect of the clinical presentation. Your therapist will ensure that they provide you with all of their findings and will discuss all treatment options with you. There are a number of treatment approaches that can be used in the management of spinal or rib pain. Evidence favours a graded exercise program, with a particular emphasis of postural alignment. However, we are happy to work with you on alternative treatment routines where appropriate.
The shoulder is one of the most common areas to develop pain, therefore most of us are going to have to work our way through some form of shoulder pain during our life. There is, however, a really simple framework that ties the majority of shoulder problems together. In essence a shoulder can be defined as being painful, weak, or unstable. The majority of the problem tends to stem from an imbalance in the rotator cuff muscles which balance the shoulder on its socket. There can also be an association with the shoulder blade muscles as well as the overall postural alignment that may be contributing to a specific dysfunction. As such the treatment program can be tailored to meet these specific objectives is a systematic fashion. We have clinicians with extensive experience in the assessment and management of shoulder conditions and will work with you to develop a successful treatment plan.
The vast majority of elbow complaints tend to be classified as tennis or golfers elbow until proven otherwise, and in the main these conditions can me managed through a graduated loading program of the tendons and a modification in life-style. There are however a multitude of more subtle problems including instability, arthritis, and nerve compression which can prove more difficult to manage. We have clinicians with extensive experience in the assessment and management of the elbow, and will work with you to develop a successful treatment plan.