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Career in Physiotherapy

Having been a Chartered Physiotherapist for more than 30 year I can truly say that I am so blessed to have chosen this career.

'Always follow your dreams' my mum said many years ago, and she was so right!

It's a profession that works with people to identify and maximise their ability to move and function – an essential part of what it means to be healthy.

There are so many options and you can do any or all of the following:

a physiotherapist to a national sporting team

a physiotherapy lecturer in a university

a researcher for a patient charity such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society

a consultant physiotherapist in musculoskeletal services

a physio running their own private practice

a physiotherapy services manager

a physiotherapist in the media

and so on

And you can work in so many different areas just as some of our Physiotherapists below do:

Janine treats backs and necks

Eytan specialises in rehabilitation and management

Srishti specialises is in neuro-rehabilitation

Rand specialises in falls and rehabilitation

Joy specialises in Vertigo

Naomi specialises in Women's Health

Brett specialises in Musculoskeletal aches and pains

Alex specialises in Sports Injuries

Maria specialises in Pilates and Strength and Conditioning

Physiotherapy is the best thing that ever happened to me.

After 30 years I still love going to work and remain passionate about my amazing profession!


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